The Klann family has a deep history in Crook County and have resided here for many years. Six generations later, we continue our connection to the land with the wisdom of our ancestors. Our farm, the animals and the bees are our teachers and we are here to pass along everything we learn.


How We Began

My husband Eric and I were married at the Klann family farm in 2006. The wedding was a sea of cowboy boots and red Solo cups culminating with a barn dance and pie for dessert.  It was a magical night with many family and friends in attendance. It had always been our intention to eventually move out to the farm and raise children someday so it seemed fitting to share one of the biggest days of our lives there. 

The first several years of our marriage we lived and remodeled a historic home in Redmond. I dabbled in the farm life there as much as I could, gardening and raising chickens on our small 5000 square foot lot. With the help of family and friends, we remodeled our little historic house.  After two years of hard work, we were finished with our renovation and we were featured in the local paper. Eric’s dad passed away in 2011 and the move seemed right. That is where the farm adventure began.

As our house grew, so did our little family. After the loss of Eric's dad, the quaint cottage became too little for the Klann family. We made true on our promise and moved to the farm. Luckily for me, I didn’t have to let go of the cottage I loved so much. Eric’s mom moved in and the stone cottage is still in my life!

The Farm

Not learning our lesson, we again tackled a major remodeling project out at the Klann farm. The remodel involved all aspects of the house including the roof, siding, walls, electrical, plumbing, septic and pretty much anything else you could think of! Eric’s father had built the home originally and it had great “bones.” It just needed some updating and TLC. We had some major projects outside as well- building a garden space, redoing the pond, adding a sprinkler system and removing 40+ overgrown trees.

As we worked on the remodeling of the house and LIVED in our motor home at the farm over the weekends, I tried my best to create the garden space I had always dreamed of.

Eric grew up swimming in this pond. It needed lots of love to become the place we envisioned. Eric and my father worked to clean out old sediment, add a pond liner and create the beach our children (and dogs) play in whenever they can.

Our children play a big part in the gardening experience around here. From digging, making seed tape, rototilling, to planting their own “seed babies,” they are involved each day.

We’ve been adding to our garden as we can. 20+ blueberry bushes, 75+ raspberries, red wiggler worms and 75+ pumpkin starts annually down our long gravel driveway.

We have a few animals around here too… our sweet elderly Ida Mae and our rambunctious Alice. They are two well loved yellow labs. We have cattle, a horse, laying hens, barn cats and of course of beloved honey bees. 

I couldn’t do all of this without the love of my life… Eric takes on each project I ask of him. What can I say? I am married my best friend.  I can drive a tractor now, prime a well pump, tell the difference between an elbow and a “t” pipe and I am happy to wear muddy boots most weekends. I am proud to be a farmers wife, a mother of two amazing children, a lover of all things garden related and a keeper of honey bees. 

A swarm of Bees in May is worth a ton of Hay.
A swarm of bees in June is worth a silver spoon.
A swarm of bees in July isn’t even worth a fly.